About me

woof :0) you can call me maximus, or Mutt. I use he/him, it/its, and pup/pups pronouns. I am a schizophrenic dog endel, and a werewolf. I identity as these things physically due to clinical Lycanthropy/cynanthropy, and >I do not believe in "p-shifters" or the idea of being able to transform physically in a real world sense. I am an artist of 8, almost 9 years, and a digital artist of 4. I am physically and mentally disabled, with autism, bpd, and schizophrenia/schizoaffective (?) disorder. I might share about these things here, but it'll mostly be about any werewolf or dog related things.

I love FNaF, Little Nightmares, and any FNaF adjacent games. I also enjoy a variety of music genres, though I don't like country.

Be warned I have werewolf/dog delusions, and that I may talk about such things. if you are unreality sensitive, I advise you avoid anything titled with Clinical Lycanthropy.

Lemmie's Page